Concept Art. Steven Universe and impressionism


My proposal for this project is to get different concept arts starting from the same composition. Based on French Impressionism and its way of capturing light and color and using the Steven universe tecnique.

The goal is the representation of light as it strikes the eye.
The reality, the objects, the figures are seen because the light falls on them.
The same theme represented with different lighting produces
different impressions. Light changes objects and colors. Some Impressionist painters experimented with this idea and painted series of pictures with the same subject but lit at different times of the day or in different atmospheric situations

Some Impressionist painters experimented with this idea and painted series of pictures with the same subject but lit at different times of the day or in different atmospheric situations.

After considering several options, I decided to base myself on an existing style, because by analyzing it and using its characteristics, I would have more material to learn.
and something very important, limits, a base to lean on. I opted for the concepts of Rick Cometa, the art director who is dedicated to making the backgrounds and concepts of the animated series Steven Universe


I analyzed the concepts and the backgrounds, and I realized that some characteristics were repeated:

-Images are generated using solid colors, playing with opacities and with the interaction of colors through transparencies
路 The Lineart is always offset with respect to the stain
路 Very specyfic palette
路 The sparkles and glitters are geometric solid figures, usually rhombuses or triangles
路 Both light and shadows are represented by planes and straight lines

Final work

Concept Art. Steven Universe
Concept Art. Steven Universe
Gameboy Advance

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